Heaven Can Wait - is Here!
Heaven Can Wait was an incredible movie! Both Warren Beatty and Julie Christie were amazing! The great cast includes Warren Beatty, Julie Christie, James Mason, Jack Warden, Charles Grodin.
If you love watching Warren Beatty or Julie Christie, you are deffinetly going to want to watch Heaven Can Wait.
A gung-ho and merciful angel (Buck Henry) pulls Joe Pendleton (Beatty), a football star, out of his body before his time, forcing the higher powers to come up with a substitute host. Joe settles on a vicious multimillionaire whose wife and partner are trying to kill him. Light, breezy, with not a mean bone in its body, Heaven is based on the 1941 film Here Comes Mr. Jordan. Beatty is wonderfully daft and innocent as Joe, Jack Warden is on top of his form as Joe's trainer Corky, and Julie Christie appears to be playing a diaphanous summer dress. Great comic relief is provided by Dyan Cannon, Charles Grodin, and the notion that the 1978 Los Angeles Rams could go to the Superbowl. --Keith Simanton
Watch Heaven Can Wait online by clicking here!

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You can get Heaven Can Wait at www.Amazon.com as well.
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If you love watching Warren Beatty or Julie Christie, you are deffinetly going to want to watch Heaven Can Wait.
Click Here To Download Heaven Can Wait Online!
A gung-ho and merciful angel (Buck Henry) pulls Joe Pendleton (Beatty), a football star, out of his body before his time, forcing the higher powers to come up with a substitute host. Joe settles on a vicious multimillionaire whose wife and partner are trying to kill him. Light, breezy, with not a mean bone in its body, Heaven is based on the 1941 film Here Comes Mr. Jordan. Beatty is wonderfully daft and innocent as Joe, Jack Warden is on top of his form as Joe's trainer Corky, and Julie Christie appears to be playing a diaphanous summer dress. Great comic relief is provided by Dyan Cannon, Charles Grodin, and the notion that the 1978 Los Angeles Rams could go to the Superbowl. --Keith Simanton
Watch Heaven Can Wait online by clicking here!
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Watch A Preview Of Heaven Can Wait:
You can get Heaven Can Wait at www.Amazon.com as well.
Oakland Athletics Authentic Home Jersey W 40th Anniversary Patch